Batch Tests

At Labotanix, we take quality assurance very seriously. We have made a promise to our customers to deliver the highest quality of CBD products to them. And one of the ways we ensure that this promise is realized is by carrying out batch tests. This is where we carefully vet the quality of each and every batch of CBD that we produce at our plants. We do so without fail and that is one of the reasons why so many people love Labotanix and its market products.

Our vigorous testing process

We have a comprehensive batch testing process that is outlined in multiple points and multiple stages. Essentially, we test each production consignment on its own so that no single production harvest hits the market without having being independently vetted. We understand that different variables are at play during production. Human error could occur, our extraction processes could change, the solvents used during extraction could differ, and so on. By testing each batch, we ensure that each product that hits the market meets our quality standards as well as the legal requirements.

We batch test our plants too!

We don’t just test our raw extract and purified final CBD product. We also go the extra mile and test our plants as well before processing. We test them to check for infections, CBD potency, and nutritional value. The results enable us to ensure that we are collecting as much CBD as we need. These tests also ensure that we are selling CBD that is organic and free of any agricultural chemicals.

Best quality CBD every single time

Studies conducted into the CBD market show that many manufacturers are cutting corners and cheating their customers by falsely presenting products that do not contain enough or any CBD. We batch test our products to also check and verify that they contain the precise concentration and volume that we indicate. This way you can count on our products to work for you and give you the results you desire every single time.

Consistency with every batch

The flavor, taste, and aroma of our various Labotanix products remain the same from month to month and year to year. And that is by no mistake at all. Our quality assessors ensure it through batch testing. This ensures consistency for all our products year in, year out. The benefit of this to you is that you can always rely on the Labotanix products you have gotten used to all this time.