CBD and Mental Health


Mental health is a huge problem in the 21st century. And the statistics look to get even worse in the coming years and decades. So far, tens of millions of people are suffering from poor mental health. And millions join that list every year. And all this is happening despite the fact that pharma companies have for years been selling medicine touted to help with these conditions. But now CBD could be the new champion that makes a change. There are already great results with scientific studies. And thousands of people who have been using cannabidiol report great results.

CBD and anxiety

Anxiety is the most prevalent mental disorder in the world. It imbues its patients with feelings of gloom, worry, and hopelessness. Over 40 million people are affected in the US alone and over 10 million in the UK. CBD helps to combat anxiety by improving mood. By applying homeostasis to re-balance the energy levels in the user, it allays feeling of anxiety and brings the user back to mental normalcy. CBD also inhibits GABA amino acids which are known to reduce and limit brain activity.

CBD and depression

Depression is another major mental disorder affecting hundreds of millions across the world. Over 20 million people are affected in the US and over 20% of people in the UK are believed to suffer from depression annually. CBD helps to alleviate these feelings of deep sadness and low energy by boosting brain activity and releasing hormones such as anandamide which re-introduces feelings of bliss into the user’s central nervous system.


PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) is another common mental disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. Most people associate PTSD with war veterans. However, PTSD affects more than just soldiers who have been to war. It affects people who have been in accidents, people who have been in terror situations, people who have been on the receiving end of violence, people who have lost a child or a loved one, etc. CBD has been seen to help with PTSD by improving mood, increasing energy levels, introducing feelings of bliss, and diffusing the stress that trauma causes. CBD has also been seen to help with appetite, sleep, and nightmares associated with PTSD.

Taking CBD oil for mental health

If you have not been taking CBD for mental health, you definitely should. Labotanix has a great selection of CBD products that will help you enjoy better mental health so that you can be happier and more productive. Taking CBD for mental health is also easy. You can find Labotanix CBD oil products in different forms such as tinctures, capsules, edibles, skin lotions, e-liquids, and more. Enjoy the flexibility and convenience to take your preferred form of CBD at home, at work, and even on the road.

A natural alternative to harmful anti-depressants and stimulants

Why take CBD for mental health? One of the biggest reasons is that CBD is natural, organic, non-addictive, and without serious side effects. The same cannot be said of modern pharmacology medicines such as Prozac, Xanax, Lexapro, and Effexor. These modern medicines have dire side effects (such as suicide and low libido) and they pose equally strong withdrawal effects that make it hard for users to stop taking them. CBD oil poses none of these risks, is cheaper, and offers better results.